Tuesday, September 27, 2011

John Michael - Senior Portraits

My first photoshoot! I was excited to be able to take my friend's senior portraits and had a blast hanging out with him for a couple hours during the shoot. There are more photographs over on my Facebook page, so go and check those out as well!

Caught mid-explanation. I think it turned out quite nicely!

I'll be honest and say this was an accidental capture, as I was tweaking my settings for the next photographs. However, it is one of my favorites from the shoot.

We found this stairwell towards the end of the photoshoot and decided that we had to have some pictures inside of it.

I was a little nervous during this first shoot, but I don't think that hampered me at all in the end. The photographs turned out better than I thought they were going to and that is always a plus! Hopefully this is just the first of many more to come!


1 comment:

  1. To put it very professionally, these are boss photos. Well done, mate.
